Q: I realize that I sometimes have difficulty connecting a name and a face. I presume that this is mild cognitive impairment.
On researching the topic online, I find a variety of suggestions for alleviating it. These include supplements (lipoic acid, vitamin E, omega 3s, curcumin), food choices (fish, vegetables, black and green teas), aerobic exercise, yoga, and meditation.
Do these actually help with mild cognitive impairment? What’s been proven to work?
A: It’s common for older adults to feel they’re having trouble with certain memory or thinking tasks as they get older.
I can’t say whether it’s mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in your particular case. But we can review what is known about stopping or slowing cognitive changes in people diagnosed with MCI.
First, let’s start by reviewing what MCI is, and how it’s diagnosed. Then I’ll share some information on the approaches you are asking about, as well as other approaches for treating MCI.
What is Mild Cognitive Impairment?
Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) means having cognitive abilities (memory and thinking skills) that have become worse than “normal” for your age. However, the memory or other problems shouldn’t be so bad that you no longer can complete daily life tasks you used to do, such as finances or meal preparation, without assistance.
In other words, the impairments can’t be bad enough to meet the criteria for dementia, which requires cognitive skills to have declined to the point that independence in common daily life tasks is compromised.
If you’re concerned about your memory, it’s important that you not assume it’s MCI. Instead, you’ll want to have your thinking skills assessed by a clinician. This is how you can find out if your difficulties fall within the range of “normal age-related changes” versus being worse than normal, which is a criterion for having MCI.
Studies find that many older people feel that their memory or thinking is getting worse. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean they have MCI.
This is because declines in certain types of memory and thinking skills are now known to be part of normal “cognitive aging.” For more on what is often normal with aging, see 6 Ways that Memory & Thinking Change with Normal Aging (& What to Do About This).
In fact, difficulty connecting “names and faces” is common among normal older adults. It’s probably due to the known slowing in brain processing speed that occurs as people age.
As of 2013, MCI is also called “mild neurocognitive disorder” whereas dementia has been renamed “major neurocognitive disorder.” While you might not need to know these more technical terms, it may save some confusion if you are reading about newer research. (Most practicing doctors still use the older terms.)
Experts agree that some people with MCI are essentially in the very earliest symptomatic stages of a brain-changing condition such as Alzheimer’s or another type of dementia. It is also possible for cerebral small vessel disease to cause vascular cognitive impairment, which can eventually become vascular dementia. Studies suggest that over 5 years, 30-40% of people with MCI will progress to dementia.
However, that’s only 30-40% of people. So not all MCI is early dementia. Some people with MCI never seem to get much worse, and some even seem to get better.
How is mild cognitive impairment diagnosed?
MCI is diagnosed through a clinical assessment done by a qualified doctor or other healthcare professional.
A clinical assessment should usually include:
- Interviewing the patient regarding his concerns, and inquiring about difficulties managing life tasks, such as Activities of Daily Living and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (ADLs and IADLs)
- Assessing whether family members and other observers have noticed anything concerning
- Evaluating cognitive abilities using a short office-based test, such as the Montreal Cognitive Assessment
- Checking prescribed and over-the-counter medications, to see if any are known to make thinking worse (see 4 Types of Brain-Slowing Medication to Avoid if You’re Worried About Memory)
- Evaluating for medical conditions, including mental health conditions and sleep disorders, that can worsen thinking or can mimic early dementia
Laboratory work is often necessary, to check for problems such as thyroid disorders, vitamin B12 deficiency, and electrolyte imbalances.
After this initial assessment, a person might be referred for additional neuropsychological testing. These tests provide a more in-depth assessment of specific memory and thinking skills. They can help further categorize MCI as “amnestic” (meaning the problems are mainly with memory) versus non-amnestic.
Ultimately, the process of diagnosing MCI is similar to diagnosing dementia: it requires documenting concerns and difficulties, objectively assessing cognitive abilities, and ruling out other medical problems (including medication side-effects and delirium) that might be interfering with brain function.
But in MCI, the cognitive impairments should not be severe enough to interfere with independence in daily life tasks.
For more on evaluating the complaint of cognitive impairment in older adults, see here: Cognitive Impairment in Aging: 10 Common Causes & 10 Things the Doctor Should Check.
You can also learn more about how MCI is diagnosed in this video, “MCI, Alzheimer’s and Dementia: What’s the Difference“:
What are proven ways to treat mild cognitive impairment?
In many clinical trials, the goal in “treating” mild cognitive impairment has been to reduce the risk of progression to Alzheimer’s or another dementia.
Unfortunately, almost nothing has been proven to work, although some approaches are promising and certain approaches (especially exercise) probably delay the progression to dementia.
In particular, no oral medications are actually FDA-approved for the treatment of MCI, as none have been shown to prevent progression to dementia.
(Note: Two controversial new Alzheimer’s antibody drugs — Aduhelm and Leqembi — did get FDA-approved in recent years. They can be used in certain cases where testing shows the MCI is pre-clinical Alzheimer’s disease. See the Medications in MCI section below.)
In 2018, the American Academy of Neurology issued their “Practice guideline update summary: Mild cognitive impairment. (The guideline was reaffirmed in 2021.) They suggest that clinicians recommend regular exercise and say they “may recommend cognitive training.” They make a stronger recommendation for stopping medications that interfere with cognition, and they reiterate that “no high-quality evidence exists to support pharmacologic treatments for MCI.”
Much of the research on treating mild cognitive impairment is summarized in the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality’s (AHRQ) detailed 2017 review: Interventions to Prevent Age-Related Cognitive Decline, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Clinical Alzheimer’s-Type Dementia. This review’s conclusion notes that exercise is promising but most treatments have failed to show conclusive benefits so far.
You can also learn more about scientifically tested treatments for MCI in this video:
Exercise for MCI
The approach that seems most consistently promising is exercise, although it’s unclear which exercise is best. One randomized study showed an improvement in patients doing different exercises, whereas another indicated that resistance training helped. A 2022 systematic review concluded that resistance exercise has the highest probability of being the optimal exercise type for slowing cognitive decline in patients with cognitive dysfunction.”
A sensible approach is to include all important types of exercise. That is: aerobic, resistance, balance, and flexibility exercises.
Although it may not be clear which one is best for MCI, all four are necessary to maintain overall health and mobility in older adults.
You can learn more about the four types of exercise at the National Institute on Aging’s site: Four Types of Exercise Can Improve Your Health and Physical Ability.
There is also promising research showing that a group movement program called PLIE can improve outcomes in MCI: Preventing Loss of Independence through Exercise (PLIÉ): A Pilot Trial in Older Adults with Subjective Memory Decline and Mild Cognitive Impairment.
Dietary approaches for MCI
There is research to suggest that diet plays a role in dementia. However, it’s not yet clear what particular diet will prevent MCI from progressing in most people.
In general, a diet that is good for overall health will also be good for brain health. The MIND diet (a variant of the Mediterranean diet) is probably a good place to start. The general principles include:
- Eat lots of vegetables, of all types and colors
- Eat berries, and other fruits
- Eat nuts, avocados, and other forms of “healthy” fats
- Eat fish at least once a week (preferably fish low in mercury)
- Eat beans and legumes
- Limit meat and animal-based saturated fats
- Minimize transfats, packaged food, fast food, added sugar, and cured meat products
Of note, a 2023 randomized controlled trial of the MIND diet did not find that this diet prevented cognitive decline. However, the control group followed a mild caloric restriction diet, and both groups slightly improved over three years.
A 2021 scholarly review of nutrition and cognition can be read here: Effects of Nutrition on Cognitive Function in Adults with or without Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials.
Some experts recommend vegan diets for better brain health, but most experts feel that the scientific evidence doesn’t justify this.
What IS becoming clear is one’s response to a certain diet is highly individual, and appears to be especially driven by the microbiome (the community of gut microbes) we each have in our intestines. So newer research is developing dietary approaches that help people do the trial and error necessary to find out which diet reduces inflammatory markers, blood fat levels, and stabilizes blood glucose levels in their own body.
Although it will be a while before we know whether these personalized diet approaches can treat MCI in particular, I expect that a better diet will improve brain outcomes in at least some people.
Otherwise: one of my favorite clinical nutrition trials is titled the “Cocoa, Cognition, and Aging (CoCoA) Study.” In 2012 the researchers published the results of a study in which they found that giving people with MCI a daily cocoa drink led to improved cognitive function and insulin metabolism eight weeks later.
Now, we still don’t know if daily cocoa would change the likelihood of having dementia a few years later. But it’s encouraging news for those who like dark chocolate.
Supplements for MCI
Some researchers have found that a vitamin B supplement (a combination of folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12) reduces cognitive decline in MCI. But this may only be in people who have high homocysteine levels.
(Homocysteine is a common amino acid – one of the building blocks that make up proteins – found in the blood. High levels have been associated with low intake of folate and vitamin B12.)
A large trial published in 2005 found that vitamin E had no effect on the progression of MCI.
A variety of other anti-oxidants have been studied, but so far nothing seems to be definitely beneficial. A review of anti-oxidants can be found here.
A 2018 Cochrane Review concluded that “the evidence on vitamin and mineral supplements as treatments for MCI is very limited.”
Vitamin D has also been studied, with mixed results when it comes to meaningfully influencing cognitive outcomes. You can find a good summary of research studying the association between Vitamin D, cognitive decline, and Alzheimer’s here. It’s probably reasonable to try to avoid frank vitamin D deficiency by taking a daily supplement of 800-1000 IU. But there is no evidence that treating MCI with higher doses of vitamin D will delay progression to dementia.
One type of supplement not covered in the Cochrane review was omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fatty fish (as well as in some other foods such as nuts and seeds). Supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids via fish oil has shown some beneficial effects for cardiovascular health, which means it might help with brain health as well. To date, I would describe the evidence for omega-3 fatty acid supplements helping in MCI as promising but not yet proven (when it comes to preventing progression to dementia). A good review on this topic is here: Omega-3 fatty acids and cognitive decline: a systematic review.
In general, when people ask me about supplements and MCI, I tell them that I think it’s reasonable to consider vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids, and that I think all older adults should take 800-1000 IU/day of vitamin D. These supplements are unlikely to harm and may help treat common deficiencies that can worsen cognitive decline. That said, there’s no proof that these supplements can treat or delay MCI in most people, so it’s important to be realistic about the likely small effect.
Medications for MCI
Oral medications
There are currently no oral medications that have FDA approval for the treatment of MCI.
Some medications have been studied in randomized controlled trials, but have not been shown to prevent the progression of MCI. These include medications FDA-approved for the treatment of dementia and Alzheimer’s, such as donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine, and memantine (brand names Aricept, Razadyne, Exelon, and Namenda, respectively).
One 2012 review published by the respected Cochrane Library concluded that these types of medicines ” should not be recommended for mild cognitive impairment.”
However, many doctors prescribe these medications to people with MCI, especially if they have amnestic MCI. In theory, this might help mitigate some of the memory symptoms.
But if a person with MCI doesn’t notice some improvement after starting the medication, they should not be surprised. And they should not feel obligated to continue the medication.
Anti-amyloid infusion treatments
Amyloid is a protein that abnormally accumulates in the brain in Alzheimer’s disease. In recent years, the FDA has decided to approve certain anti-amyloid antibody treatments, to treat those forms of mild cognitive impairment that have been shown to be due to very early Alzheimer’s disease. This type of proof requires special scans and biomarkers that are usually only done as part of research studies and often are not routinely covered by insurance.
These newer treatments are infusions, which means they are administered intravenously. They can cause brain swelling and potentially serious side-effects, so they also require very careful monitoring. Although these treatments do seem to reduce amyloid in the brain, the clinical benefit (meaning, does it meaningfully delay the progression of Alzheimer’s symptoms) is unclear.
Aducanumab (Aduhelm) was approved by the FDA in 2021. The approval was controversial, due to weak evidence of clinical benefit, and Medicare has opted to not cover this medication for the time being, unless the person is enrolled in a trial.
A similar medication, lecanemab (Leqembi) was approved in 2023. Its phase 3 randomized trial concluded that lecanemab “resulted in moderately less decline on measures of cognition and function than placebo at 18 months but was associated with adverse events.” In July 2023, Medicare announced that it will cover lecanemab provided there is participation “in a qualifying registry with an appropriate clinical team and follow-up care.”
Yoga and meditation for MCI
Stress tends to worsen brain function. So it’s possible that stress-reducing activities like yoga or meditation might help in MCI.
Yoga has mainly been studied in older adults with “normal” cognition. Results suggest yoga can benefit cognition but further research is recommended.
A 2019 review of yoga specifically for mild cognitive impairment or dementia reached similar conclusions: The effects of yoga on patients with mild cognitive impairment and dementia: A scoping review.
Qigong and tai chi are also being studied for MCI.
Meditation and related mindfulness practices may improve MCI. Smaller studies, such as this one, have found that a mindfulness program was associated with encouraging brain changes on functional MRI scans.
However, other studies of mindfulness in MCI, such as this one, have not shown an improvement in outcomes. Most systematic reviews, such as this one, conclude that mindfulness is promising but not proven, as a treatment for MCI.
That said, even though the evidence isn’t very strong, I highly recommend that anyone with MCI try a mindfulness-based intervention. For those who are able to find a practice that works for them, I believe this can play a valuable role in coping with the worry and uncertainty that often comes with MCI. A good way to get started is to sign up for an 8-week mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) course. Paying for a live course or online course often helps one complete the course. There is also a free self-paced course available here.
Yoga, qigong and tai chi are also good ways to practice balance, so in general I feel pursuing this approach to manage MCI is a good idea.
Brain training for MCI
People sometimes wonder if “brain training” can keep MCI from progressing to dementia. So far this is unknown.
Much of the brain training research has studied whether the intervention improves memory and cognitive function in the short-term. A 2016 review found that brain training does indeed seem to improve certain cognitive abilities in the short-term.
But, it’s still unclear whether this results in long-term benefits, or delays overall progression to dementia. A good summary of the research on this topic can be found in this chapter of the AHRQ review: Cognitive Training.
The biggest problem with cognitive training for MCI, in my opinion, is that commercially available programs are almost certainly not as good as the programs being used in research. For this reason, if you want to pursue this approach to treating MCI, I recommend seeing if you can enroll in a clinical trial.
Hearing aids for MCI
Last but not least, if you’ve been concerned about MCI, it is probably worthwhile to have your hearing checked, and any hearing loss corrected if possible.
Quite a lot of research has confirmed that there is an association between hearing loss and cognitive impairment.
Now, does treating hearing loss actually prevent or delay the progression of MCI? This is a hot topic that is being actively researched. So far, a large retrospective study has found that using hearing aids did reduce progression to dementia. Randomized trials are now underway to see if they can confirm this finding.
Personally, I think treating hearing loss sounds more likely to improve MCI outcomes than brain training does, so I would highly recommend this approach.
Although hearing aids have historically been expensive and challenging to obtain, over-the-counter hearing aids are expected to be available soon.
For more on hearing loss in aging, see 4 Key Things to Know About Age-Related Hearing Loss.
Alternative health treatments for MCI
Some health practitioners claim to be able to treat memory loss, and in recent years, many people have asked me about the Bredesen Protocol, which came to public attention when Dr. Dale Bredesen published his book “The End of Alzheimer’s.”
I did read the book and thought Dr. Bredesen was bringing up some promising ideas for the mainstream neurology community to consider. In particular, I agree that a comprehensive approach targeting multiple factors that aggravate brain health is what’s most likely to stall (or maybe even reverse) cognitive decline. And I agree that lifestyle treatments (e.g. changing nutrition, exercise, stress levels) are vastly under-used.
The problem, however, is that mainstream neurologists feel that Dr. Bredesen has gotten way, way ahead of his scientific evidence, when it comes to describing his protocol as a program that “prevents and reverses cognitive decline.” I have reviewed his publications and I agree: he is reporting promising hypothesis-generating results, but no more than that. Meanwhile, he now has a substantial financial interest in promoting his protocol, for which desperate people are paying substantial sums out of pocket.
If you want to consider his protocol, it’s important to know that it’s very time and labor-intensive, and also expensive (because insurance probably won’t cover most of it). It also seems less likely to work in people who are older (e.g. in their 80s and 90s). And it’s likely impossible to get someone who is not motivated to participate in the treatment (I’m looking at you, adult children concerned about your parent with MCI.)
You can read some of the critiques of this type of MCI treatment here:
- Bredesen Protocol offers false hope of reversing Alzheimer’s disease
- Can we trust The End of Alzheimer’s?
- Scholarly description of the Bredesen protocol: Precision Medicine Approach to Alzheimer’s Disease: Successful Pilot Project (note: ages of included patients were 50-76, with MoCA at least 19)
My main recommendations for managing MCI
The bottom line is that no treatment has been convincingly proven to improve long-term outcomes in MCI. So, I believe it’s best to focus on general things that promote brain health.
That is:
- Stay physically active and exercise regularly
- Address risk factors for cardiovascular disease
- Consider the MIND diet (or better yet, a personalized nutrition approach that helps you stabilize inflammation, glucose levels, and fat levels in your blood)
- Identify and treat any hearing loss
- Avoid brain-slowing medications
- Treat sleep disorders when possible and avoid chronic sleep-deprivation
- Avoid delirium
- Find constructive ways to manage chronic stress (consider a mindfulness-based stress reduction class, meditation, or yoga)
- Seek treatment if you have signs of depression or chronic anxiety
- Pursue positive social activities, purposeful activities, and activities that “nourish the soul”
For more information on these common-sense brain health approaches (which are generally good for physical health and healthy aging), see “How to Promote Brain Health: The Healthy Aging Checklist, Part 1.”
If you’re worried you might have MCI
You can see that this is a complex area. Mild cognitive impairment is not as simple to diagnose as diabetes, nor is it as easy to treat.
However, it’s just as important to see a doctor. So don’t make assumptions if you notice changes in memory or thinking. That’s a huge risk.
Instead, if you have signs of MCI, make sure you get evaluated by a professional. See your doctor.
They can check what other factors may be affecting your memory and thinking. They can support you and help you find answers to your questions. They can help you manage your symptoms and provide peace of mind.
So don’t sit, and wait, and worry.
Pick up the phone and make an appointment. Make sure they check for medication side-effects and other medical problems that can worsen thinking. And make sure they know if you’ve been having trouble with finances, driving, or other life tasks.
And then if you are diagnosed with MCI, you can come back to this article for a refresher on what approaches are most promising, when it comes to treatment.
I also recommend looking into joining a clinical trial. You can search for trials near you (you will also be shown online trials!) at the Alzheimers.gov site.
This article was last reviewed and updated by Dr. Kernisan in February 2024.
Ben Barkow says
Test your cognitive effectiveness and establish a baseline. The Cogniciti website has such a test. It reveals your percentile status separated according to age and education. So you can see how you stand at, say age 73 and regarding others with, say a college degree.
You can re-take the 20-minute free web test every year and see if your standing is changing. Not exactly an IQ test… but then, not exactly not an IQ test, if you will understand why I have to be vague on that point.
Unlike other tests you may have seen mentioned, this is created by a team of highly qualified psychologists and norms are based on a large sample.
Nicole Didyk, MD says
I just did my test and scored within a normal range! It was fun, and many of the elements test domains that we test in the office as well, usually using a tool like the MoCA or MMSE. Of course, a screening test is just that and needs to be considered in the context of the other things like behavior, function, and lifestyle habits.
Thanks for sharing this resource.
Ben Barkow says
Several streams of study are pointing to brain nutrition and some treatments. There is solid evidence for medium chain triglycerides and intermittent fasting, both of which get ketones into the brain and the brain neurones seem to digest ketones better.
Perhaps related to that is the study of metformin and sugar/diabetes control
The evidence for herpes infection and treatment or maintenance with herpes antivirals seems remarkably convincing and remarkably ignored.
Nicole Didyk, MD says
There is so much research on cognitive aging and nutrition, it’s hard to keep track! I made a video about ketones and MCTs a few years ago, which you can watch here: https://youtu.be/NRqgI74wWtk?si=Wfzx-uv68GppiXB6
I did find this article, a matched cohort study, looking at antivirals and dementia. It’s intriguing, but I don’t think we have enough info about the connection to make recommendations.
Thanks for sharing your perspective and thanks for reading!
Harry Goldhagen says
Excellent review! I think sleep should get more emphasis. My simple MCI test — how well I do watching Jeopardy — is greatly affected by how much sleep I get. When I get less than six hours a night, I find my self forgetting all sorts of things that normally come right to mind. And I have more trouble concentrating or doing work that requires clear thinking.
Nicole Didyk, MD says
Glad you enjoyed the article, Harry.
I agree that sleep is important for cognitive performance. Have you read Dr. K’s article about the most common causes of sleep problems? You can read it here: 5 Top Causes of Sleep Problems in Aging, & Proven Ways to Treat Insomnia
Sally Asmundson says
This is an excellent summary with links to many other resources. I have been following your website since the beginning and frequently recommend it to friends and younger people concerned about parents. While you do mention social connections at the end of the article I have found that having a few close friends and a larger group of people who I see and interact with on a weekly basis has been vitally important for my health, both physical and mental. I have been a member of the Pasadena Village since 2013 and am particularly involved with our Educational programming. Your book has been a great help to several people I know well and also your article ” Six Ways that Memory & Thinking Change with Normal Aging”. I will be sending this article on to several friends who do not yet subscribe to your weekly newsletter. Your knowledge, insights and references have been instrumental in helping me age (will be 84 in April) as well as possible. Thank you
Nicole Didyk, MD says
Wow, Sally! you sound like you’re a great resource for the people in your Village . Thanks for recommending Better Health While Aging to your friends. I hope that the article about normal aging helps reassure some of the folks who have noticed brain changes as they age.
Keep reading and thanks for taking the time to write such a lovely comment!
Lisa Eder says
Just found your site. I will be sharing it with my 87 year old mother. THANK YOU !!!!
Your compassion and knowledge are greatly appreciated,
Nicole Didyk, MD says
Thank you for your enthusiastic comments! I’m so happy that you enjoy the site and thank you for sharing with your mother!
Charles Rumsey says
Hello Doctor – In one of your previous excellent articles you mentioned that testing for one particular vitamin or mineral was one of the most important things to analyze. I am unable to recall what it is but think it might be a B vitamin.
I understand if you don’t have time to respond.
Chas. Rumsey.
Nicole Didyk, MD says
Hello. I believe the article you’re looking for is this one, about Vitamin B12: /how-to-avoid-harm-vitamin-b12-deficiency/
Swarnim Sharma says
I am 24 years old and I was diagnosed with prodome of psychosis when I was 17 yo 2015, later in 2020 I was dignosed with schizophrenia, I was good at studies in high school 10th standard and got 10 gpa.
But in class 11th performance declined but somehow I passed 12th( 58%) in 2016 after 1 year gap and a back in mathematics which I passed latter. I passed phy, chem with near pass grade. Then I went to college for BSc honors physics(2017-2018)and failed in 2nd year and dropped out. I think these r signs of my congnitove declinement. Also I forgot to mention I am on antidepressants and antipsychotics since 2015 and don’t want to live if I can’t fullfill my dream of bcming a scientist plss miss. .. Suggest me something that can restore my cognition like it was in 10th standard. Forgot to say iam in obese category. Can exercise reverse cognitive decline. Pls help me out I don’t wanna live like this… 🙏
Nicole Didyk, MD says
Swarnim, I have to let you know that I usually look after older adults, so I don’t have a lot of expertise with people in your age group.
Nonetheless, we do know that those living with schizophrenia may have impairment in cognition as part of their condition, and some of the medications used to treat schizophrenia can have cognitive side effects too. Some of the changes observed include difficulties with Processing speed, Attention, Working memory, Verbal learning, Visual learning, Reasoning/executive functioning and Social cognition. This could definitely have an impact on school performance.
I would advise someone in your situation to work with your medical team to find the right plan to best manage your schizophrenia symptoms. In the longer term, anything you do to exercise, eat well, manage stress and avoid smoking will help protect your brain in the future. Exercise will definitely make you feel better and less stressed.
You may be able to get some accommodation for your medical issues when it comes to your schooling, and that could help you in pursuit of your academic goals. There may not be a magic solution to restore your mental performance to where it was before, but it is probably possible to reach some of your goals on a more flexible timeline, or through other non-traditional routes. Don’t give up!